Big Buddy Network hacks the crisis

Big Buddy Network hacks the crisis

What a full on, exciting, amazing weekend we’ve had taking part in the #hackthecrisis hackathon. I wasn’t ready for what would happen – that we would find ourselves working with people from Scandinavia to Algeria, that we would make a short film, that a guy from Google would help us win backing from one of their companies.

The Big Buddy Network borrows the DIDU platform, our team and adds to it so much willingness and expertise from a wonderful group which formed about two weeks ago now. We had our first buddy matching event on Saturday.

Big Buddy Network – a response to the corona virus

Big Buddy Network – a response to the corona virus

What days! Of the 11 of us who gathered on 24 March to create the Big Buddy Network, four had been laid off from jobs in the last week. The Big Buddy Network is a response to that, and to the covid-19 pandemic. Here’s what we talked about.

• Can a buddy network be deployed at scale to create support for those whose social or business contacts are frozen by quarantine measures?

• Can the project provide meaningful work for a small team of people?

• Can we create an income-generating gig through the platform for those who want to share their enthusiasm for fitness, music and other pursuits people can take daily action on when housebound?

Do get in touch if you can play a part. We know our concept and there’s a lot to do to deploy this rapidly.